




Notice of the race
Inflatable and demountable sailboats World Championship

Ukraine, Cherkassy, 29.04-05.05.2012

1. Invitation

1.1. ICMF (International Coastal Cruiser Multihulls Fleet.) as Organizing Authority in conjunction with sailing club Parus Cherkassy invite entries for the first inflatable and demountable sailboats World Championship

2. Rules

2.1. The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in Racing Rules of Sailing except as any of these are altered by this Notice of Race and/or by the Sailing Instructions

2.2. The following prescription will apply:

2.3. If there is a conflict between languages the Russian text will take precedence

3. Eligibility and entry

3.1. The regatta is open for all inflatable and/or demountable multihull sailboats (catamarans, trimarans etc), supplied with all necessary equipment. Crews must be able to move their boats on the beach without assistance by hand or using equipment, which is carried on the boat. For detailed requirements to the boats and equipment refer to Appendix 1.

Other boats may be allowed to take part in the race by special decision of Racing Committee and in separate class

3.2. Boat helmsmen must have sailing qualification suitable for their boats and race condition.

3.3. Helmsmen younger than 16 years are not allowed. Younger than 16 years crewmembers are allowed on the full responsibility of boat helmsmn in accordance with following procedure:
accompanied by one or both parents without limitations,
otherwise no more than half of crew number.
If any of crewmember is younger than 14 years, every such person must be accompanied by crewmember older than 19 years.

3.4. Crew number for every boat must be within permitted limits for this type of boat.

3.5. Racing Committee can forbid boat to race on basis of being unsafe or unseaworthy.

Registration, fees, classes

4.1. Its team competition. Crew of every boat is considered as separate tem

4.2. Every team, wishing to enter, must make preliminary note by e-mail krseni@gmail.com, or by phone: +380-50-4644405

4.3. Registration will take place at base camp of regatta (childrens water station) from 12-00 till 20-00 29.04.2012

4.4. To register team must produce completed Appendix 2 form and copy of valid measurement certificate, signed by local measurer or Chief measurer of regatta.

4.5. During registration procedure entry fee 100 UAH per crewmember and camping fee 50 UAH per boat must be paid.

4.6. Competition will be held in following classes: Formula 10, 13, 16, more than 16 (numbers mean the maximum up-wind sail area for boat in class) and Fastest boat overall ranking. Every class must include at least four boats. If less, boats will be distributed among adjacent classes according to rule F(X)+/-1.5 sq.m.

5. Schedule of event

28.04.2012, Saturday
Camping place open. 12-00

29.04.2012, Sunday
Registration and measurement, technical inspection12-00 -18-00
Competitors briefing 20-00

30.04.2012, Monday
Opening ceremony 10-00
Start of first round the buoys race 13-00
At least three races will be sailed
Helmsmen meeting 19-00
Greeting party 20-00

01.05.2012, Tuesday
Start of distance race Cherkassy Sagunovka (28 km.) 9-00
Helmsmen meeting 19-00
02.05.2012, Wednesday
Start of distance race Sagunovka island Veremeevskiy island Zhovnino (31 km.) 9-00
Helmsmen meeting 19-00

03.05.2012, Thursday
Start of first round the buoys race 9-00
At least four races will be sailed
Evening party 19-00

04.05.2012, Friday
Start of distance race island Zhovnino Vasjutentsy (27 km.) 10-00
Helmsmen meeting 19-00

05.05.2012, Saturday
Start of distance race Vasjutentsy island Muraviniy Cherkassy (30 km.) 8-00
Awards ceremony 18-00

6. Special conditions

6.1. Besides up-wind sails, (main and jib) noted in Measurement Certificate, usage any additional up-wind sail is permitted if new total sail area and handicap rating are less or equal respective values in Measurement Certificate.

6.2. Not permitted using spinnakers/gennakers with total area more than 120% of maximum class up-wind sail area 

6.3. Up-wind sail area is not permitted to be more than 8 sq.m per 1 crewmember

6.4. Only boats with handicap rating 0.65 and more are eligible to take part in regatta. Boats, whose rating is less, can be allowed to take part in the race by special decision of Racing Committee. Their rating in this case will be equal 0.65

6.5. Paddling and other forms of muscle propulsion are permitted only during final approach within 100 meters distance from shore. In some cases (calm, giving assistance) Racing Committee can declare permission of muscle propulsion.

6.6. Start and finish procedures are described in Sailing Instruction (Appendix 3) and Racing Committee directions

6.7. Race distances may be changed by Racing Committee decisions according to weather and other conditions.

7. Penalty system

7.1. Penalty for Part 2 of RRS violation will be applied according to Rule 44. Penalties for violation of other rules will be applied according to Sailing Instruction (Appendix 3)

8. Scoring and awards

8.1. Regatta schedule includes number of distance and round the buoys racing. During regatta Low point score system will be used (1st place 0.75 points) with race distance factor (distance <10 km. 0.6, <20 km. 0.75, <40 km. 1.0, <60 km. 1.15). Number of points get will be multiplied by distance factor.

8.2. Inside Formula classes places will be assigned according to corrected time (CT), ICMF handicap system used (simplified SCHRS)

8.3. Class ranking will be defined by total sum of points of all races

8.4. Fastest boat ranking in separate race will be according to elapsed time and

8.5. Boats completed all races will be awarded with souvenirs

8.6. Class trophies will be awarded to the first 3 boats on each class,

8.7. Other awards may be given by sponsors of the regatta

9. Sailing instruction

9.1. For Preliminary Sailing Instruction see Appendix 3. Final Sailing Instructions will be given to competitors during Registration

10. Safety and responsibility

10.1. Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The Organizing Authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with, or prior to, during, or after the regatta.

10.2.For violation of public order and environmental rules during regatta competitors may be penalized or disqualified

11. Advertising

11.1. Advertising will be in accordance in accordance with organising authority.

11.2. Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organising authority.

11.3. Boat can carry individual advertising without special permission

11.4. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse advertising by a boat or competitor when it is in conflict with the laws of Ukraine.

12. Expenses

12.1. All expenses, connected with organizing and conducting the regatta, are attributed to Organizing committee

12.2. All expenses, connected with taking part in the regatta, are attributed to the competitors or their sponsors.

Organization committee

Event coordinator, chief measurer Kravchenko Sergey, phone: +380-50-4644405,
e-mail: krseni@gmail.com.

Chief Judge of event Prodaivoda Sergey, phone: +380-93-0517755.

Event secretary Zaloznova Olga, phone: +380-50-7280670.

Safety officer Mesan Yuri, phone: +380-67-7781644.

Please, fill free to contact us with any questions concerning event.

Appendix 1

Admission requirements

Helmsmen must have at least 1 year sailing experience and some coastal or big lake cruising experience. Other crewmembers are advised to have some sailing experience.

All crewmembers must be able to swim without flotation aids and must have health condition, which will not require regular or/and emergency medical treatment.

Each competitor shall be insured with valid personal insurance. If necessary, competitor may be insured at place of registration procedure.

Boat requirements

  1. Boat must have valid certificate or pass technical check at place.
  2. Boat must carry sail number on her main sail
  3. Sail rig must permit reefing, lowering and hoisting sails on the water
  4. Boat with sharp extending parts, dangerous in case of collision, are not permitted
  5. Boat must stay afloat and keep stability in case of damage of any inflatable section/flooding of any compartment

Equipment requirements

This list does not substitute applicable government requirements for boat equipment. If any item from the following list can not be produced, boat will be not permitted to take part in regatta.

List of compulsory equipment:

  1. PFD with whistle and knife, attached by lanyards, for every crewmember
  2. Towing rope at least 10 m length secured to boat strongpoint
  3. Paddle/oars. Floatable or effectively attached to the boat
  4. Mobile phone in waterproof case
  5. Pocket flashlight with effective work time no less than 10 hours
  6. Tool kit and materials necessary for hull repair
  7. For inflatable boats air pump
  8. First aid medicine kit
  9. Anchor with 20 m anchor rope
  10. Compass or hand-held GPS
  11. Race area map in waterproof clear package
  12. Adequate weather- and waterproof clothing;
  13. Spare clothing packed in dry-bag;
  14. Camping stove (open fire is not permitted).

This is not the complete list of equipment. Competitors must have adequate camping gear, food stores etc. to support themselves for several days out-door in harsh weather conditions.

Appendix 2

Entry form Declaration

From the crew of boat: ________________________ country ___________ city ____________

Sail number _______ class ________ up-wind sail area, sq. m. __________

spinnaker sail area, sq. m _______________

mobile phone number(s) ____________________________________

Helmsman: __________________________, _________ year of birth.________ signature

and crewmembers:

__________________________, _________ year of birth.________signature

__________________________, _________ year of birth.________signature

__________________________, _________ year of birth.________signature

__________________________, _________ year of birth.________signature

We know rules and conditions of regatta and agree to be bound by them. We understand, that small sailboat racing may be dangerous and that this competition is connected with risks. Our boat, its equipment and outfit completely agrees with government small boat directions and requirements of this competition. Boat, its equipment and outfit will be available to inspection in the course of the whole regatta duration.

We hereby acknowledge that the members, officers, servants or agents of Organizing Authority do not accept any liability for loss of life or property, personal injury or damage to property caused or arising from our participation in this regatta.

We agree, that in case of our failure to communicate our status and position to Racing Authorities during races, according to their instruction, Racing Authorities can apply to our on-shore contacts or, if considered necessary, declare our boat missed and organize SAR operation with the help of local rescue services.

On-shore contact person (address, phone number):



Fair play declaration

I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the prescriptions of the Notice of Race and/or Sailing Instructions. I understand that in case of Rules violation Ill promptly and voluntarily accept penalty even if such penalty will be abandoning the race

Helmsman ____________________________________________________
(signature, surname, name)

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